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Robert Barden


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Background information

Rossland Binding Company was formed on November 7, 2014. The purpose of this company was to develop various innovations within the Snow Sports Industry. This company was founded by Rob Barden, the sole shareholder.

First Patent Received

Our first project was a releasable ski binding. The ski binding opens by popping the toe piece forward. This product was taken to Tyrolia in Austria three times to sell or license the IP. The commercialization of this device is pending.

Second Patent Received

Our second product was a releasable snowboard binding. This concept allows the rider to release their backfoot manually from the snowboard. In May 2021 we shipped eight global manufacturers their snowboard bindings with our modification on it. One has expressed interest in commercialization of this product.

Third Patent – Application

Heated Ski Boot - Hardware as a Service (HaaS)